目前分類:Lullaby: Stanford ALC 2014 (5)

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這一年過得相當充實,無數畫面我依舊歷歷在目,一切是ALC 起的頭



William.Echoes 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

On the second day of the program, the Program Coordinator, Robyn, told us that the program will be an academic one.

We had to attend classes (effective communication and topic development ) and finish a final project.

To finish the project, we needed to do survey.


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There were so many activities during the program, and it's hard to list them all.

But I remember every of them, and they are my precious memories.



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ALC held many interesting activities for us.

We explored San Francisco, UC Berkeley, and Santa Cruz.

We watched baseball game and football game.


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